First of all I personally want to thank everyone of you ,
For having a look at my web site.
Since I have been a child all I could think of was owning my own horse. Horses Have always been my passion that turned into owning the most beautiful horses in the World & Smoothest the Gaited Breed. When I'm riding my horses it's like freedom in the air nothing can stop me. I have had the Pleasure to ride with many people that I didn't know that I just meet through our horses that turned into the best friendships ever.
Thank you,
Rita Shepard
First of all I personally want to thank everyone of you ,
For having a look at my web site.
Since I have been a child all I could think of was owning my own horse. Horses Have always been my passion that turned into owning the most beautiful horses in the World & Smoothest the Gaited Breed. When I'm riding my horses it's like freedom in the air nothing can stop me. I have had the Pleasure to ride with many people that I didn't know that I just meet through our horses that turned into the best friendships ever.
Thank you,
Rita Shepard